Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Stores are so freaking weird about money here. If you have a fifty euro bill or anything higher you might as well not even have any money at all because the majority of the time that you try to pay with these bills you will always hear, ¨Sorry, we don´t have change for that.¨ This is something that I will never understand. Ok, so let me get this straight, here I am, a customer with money trying to pay for my product and you´re telling me, ¨you don´t have change?¨ Well, then go get some IDIOTS.

Yesterday I had to go to the supermarket to buy a few things so I got a 50 euro bill out of my drawer that I´d been saving for the supermarket. When I went to check out they put my bill through their ¨special bill machine¨ to make sure it was real and it kept flashing red instead of green. So the cashier sent it over to a few different ¨machines¨ and the same thing happened. WTF! Here I am waiting in line..causing an even bigger line and wanting to pull out a hand grenade, throw it and run. I ended up paying with my credit card because my bill ¨wasn´t acceptable.¨

I used it today to buy something else so here´s a BIG MIDDLE FINGER for you ¨money machine d-bag!!!!¨


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