Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Big Girls Do Indeed Cry.

Ever since my daughter was born at a whopping 7.5 lbs and 21 inches long I have heard (no joke) at LEAST once a day how big she is.

I´m still surprised at how people react to her here, and quite honestly it´s made me feel like she´s a freak at times. Then I head to the USA in the summer and I don´t hear one. single. comment. for the whole summer.

We go to the park on a daily basis, and it´s true, I guess N is bigger than the other kids, but not like oger crazy girl big. She´s just tall.

Today we were at the toy store and the lady that worked there told me she thought N was four. And yesterday, at the park, N got up on the swing all by herself (for the first time) and I heard the other mother saying ¨She has to be at least 3.¨

According to Carter´s she is still in 24 month clothes (completely normal since she´s 24 mths old) and here she wears 3-4 year old. Don´t ask.

Ah Spain.


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