Saturday, March 10, 2012

on swimming

Swimming has always been a very big part of my life ever since I was born. I was fortunate enough to have a pool in my childhood home. There is a picture of my mom floating on a raft in the pool with moi on her stomach like two days after my birth. Ok, maybe not that soon considering I was born in December. We´ll go with six to seven mths old then. I loved it!

My next door neighbors were like Olympian swimmers so they gave us our swim lessons in the summer. I feel like I didn´t even have to learn though cuz I just KNEW how. I was born ready.

There are so many memories of my childhood that involve a pool and some sort of pool hopping. Hot summer days when you are a kid consisted of just that....pool hopping days! Hop on your bike and hop into a neighbor´s pool, and then change to another and another and next thing you know it´s dark, you are exhausted with raisin fingers and chlorine scented skin. Don´t forget the green hair. I never slept so soundly.

We moved when I was 11 and we had no pool! GASP. Ya, that lasted for one summer and a pool was immediately put in. Smart move mom! This was the beginning of middle school pool parties and high school pool parties. Oh the memories! And I was skinny then wearing a one piece, what was I thinking? I should have been topless rocking a thong.

I think I would have dominated on the swim team and then I found out they practiced at 5am and then again after school got out. Being in a pool at 5am in the middle of winter sounded like my worst nightmare. I was dedicated, but not that much. It was bad enough having to get into the pool during gym class and NO GIRL wanted to get their beloved tresses damp. It´s a death sentence to have a bad hair day at 16.

All of this I thought about today. When I decided to swim laps at my gym for exercise. I bought a new speedo, goggles and a swim cap and I was ready to go. I´m not gonna lie..I hate wearing b suits and esp now in March when I am pale and extra flubby, but whatevs, I still did it. It was glorious. There´s just something about being in the water that makes me calm and I can think so clearly. I also imagine that I´m an Olympic swimmer and that all eyes are on me. Oh wait, it´s just the people in the cafeteria that can see the pool from where they are sitting. Oh well, it will have to do for now.


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