Thursday, February 23, 2012

I couldn´t have said it better myself.

Below is an exert from a friends blog. I couldn´t have said it better myself! Nora was and is a belly sleeper...has been all of her life and she does indeed sleep with a crib that has bumpers. GASP. I think she slept on her back once...and it was awful. I think she ¨slept¨ for a total of two seconds. I flipped her over and she slept six hours straight. No questions asked. Yes, I´ve heard about SIDS and yes I know all of the information...BUT I think about all of the generations before are any of us even alive today? Didn´t all babies sleep on their bellies w bumpers in their cribs? I know I did. ..and I´m still alive to tell about it!

I hate that we have to lie to each other to keep from being judged assuming that once we admit that "yes, our cribs have bumpers and no, we're not breastfeeding, and yes, our babies sleep on their bellies, andandandand and..." everyone will hate us and we will shrivel up and die.

So here's me admitting that no, I didn't breastfeed past the twins' first month of life and yes my babies sleep in their bumpered cribs on their bellies and yes, we're all okay. We're better than okay. We're thriving and happy and sleeping (mostly) through the night. And a lot of that has to do with breaking rules, forgoing statistics, ignoring advice, and doing what feels right in the moment. THIS moment right now this very second.

None of us are doing it "right". None of us are doing it "wrong". We're all just doing it. Good for us, I say. ALL of us. Parenting is an instinctual craft.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so great to hear someone say that!! Two of our kids slept on their tummies and are just fine. It's amazing how much the "rules" change each time we have a child. With one, they told us to have a bumper, and then with the next, they told us that bumper will kill them. Wow. Thanks for the great post!

7:49 PM  

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