Saturday, April 09, 2011


I kinda think other kids are punks. Is my kid gonna be a punk too? Today I took N to the park and there are lots of examples when I thought kids were punks.

N has no idea what she´s doing so I feel like other bigger kids should just automatically be nice to her since she´s only one. Ha! She saw another little kids ball and ran right after it and he was like MIIIIIIIIIINEEEEEEE

Then, there were two boys on a skateboard and N was in front of them and they said MOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Then, N spotted a Dora balloon from another little girl and she was like MIIIIIIIINEEEEEEE

I swear that´s their favorite word. MIIIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEEEEEEEE. I´m dreading when N says it, and she´ll prob say it in Spanish too.

I´m not gonna lie...the whole communication thing is just weird and awkward at times. I´ve made it my top priority to speak only English to N at all times. All of her books are in English and I change the cartoons to English too. I figure the more the better at home because once she goes to school it´s all Spanish so she´ll obv know that. My biggest fear is that she´s going to be embarrassed to speak to me in English or that she´ll understand everything but not want to speak it.

Sometimes it´s awkward at parks because obviously I have to speak to her in Spanish when dealing w other kids and mothers because they aren´t going to know what the heck I´m talking about. Oh well, I´m not worried about it. I´m sure it will all work out in the end and we´ll have a genius on our hands. HA!!

Maybe I should teach her how to cuss out all of those punks in English and there wouldn´t even be any problems since they wouldn´t know what she´s saying. Brilliant!


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