Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dr. Dr. Give me the news...

Bright and early I was laying on a cold bed with things taped to my body to check my heart. I dont know what it´s called in English. I crack up at the doctors here. Really, the whole thing makes me laugh (unless I´m in pain). Today I walked in, with my mother in law in tow, and the lady´s all ¨take everything off¨ hmm? Does this mean I get NAKED? I just took off my shirt hoping that would suffice and luckily it did. Thank God I didn´t take off my bra. How funny would that have been? She would have been all, ¨Hello boobies.¨So, two ladies are putting the things on my chest and the machine is not working. So they are rearranging everything..meanwhile door is opening and shutting I´m lying there in my bra and all of the grandpas outside are getting boners. Sweet!

So, after like twenty minutes of the malfunctioning machine they move me upstairs to a new one. Again, shirt comes off......awesome. The lady is trying again and one of the thingys is not reading so the male doctor comes in and stares at my boobs. Cool!!!!!!

In the end...I have an ¨abnormal¨ heartbeat and am probably going to die. OK, kidding about the dying part but they did find something abnormal so I have to go back Jan 7. Interesting....

I´m headed to IN TOMORROW! Pray for a safe flt. And that my heart doesn´t stop beating.


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