Thursday, October 19, 2006

stop drop and crawl

Our dog Chiqui is Hilarious. First of all she´s a boxer and she´s the most avid hunter I know. She´s obsessed with bugs and loves to kill them. Also, she hates cats and chases them around like a mad woman. A few months ago I saw a cockroach here in the kitchen and alls you have to do is say the magic word ¨bicho¨ (bug) and she´s off like panties on prom night. So, the cockroach got behind the washing machine and she waited for TWO hours for it to come out and kill it. YES victory.

She´s also obsessed with balls.... Tennis balls that is. I love throwing it under my bed because she crouches down like an army man in fresh combat boots to get it and you just see her little stub tail. Here is a pic of her going in and coming out. This is how I entertain myself my friends. It´s a sick world.


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