Wednesday, October 03, 2012


Raise your hand if you´ve ever had to fart at the gym. I mean, come on, it happens to all of us. I feel like it always happens to me when I´m in a class and we have to be on our hands and knees doing leg lifts. So, today I had to like, sit down for a second until it passed. And then it´s just awkward because I feel like the teacher is looking at me thinking ¨what´s she doing?¨ I mean, what am I supposed to say, ¨sorry, i´m just sitting here squeezing my butt cheeks together hoping I won´t let a smelly fart slip out.¨ Now THAT would be embarrassing. Before the class I was on the treadmill and I looked over and this girl was crying. Ok, that´s weird. So, next thing I know she´s off the treadmill, thumps this guy on the head that was on the bike, (I´m assuming it as her boyfriend, or maybe now X boyfriend) and she storms out crying and he he left cussing after her. Juicy. I wonder what that was about?! Yesterday I put N to bed and I heard her crying. I went in and she told me ¨upside down NO mommy.¨ Her blanket had the ducks facing the wrong way. OCD problems. I have no idea where she got that from.


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