Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nanny Diaries

Remember Mrs. X from the Nanny Diaries? I totally met her yesterday in the park. Ok, not the real Mrs. X but she could definitely play the part for sure.

I think people are so fascinating and everyone has a story. Whether that story is boring or amazing, it´s still a story. The trouble is we are so BUSY with life that we rarely talk to ¨strangers¨ since we´ve had the ¨don´t talk to strangers¨ rules embedded into our heads ever since we could talk. Does that rule continue until adulthood? It sure seems like people think it should because I never see people talking to people that they don´t know. Or if they do it´s because they accidentally bumped them, etc.

Well, this is the gloriousness of having a kid. Especially my kid. She is Miss social extroverted butterfly and wants to talk to anyone and everyone. This brings us to Mrs. X.

Mrs. X has two twins (boy and a girl) and they are two years old. She also has another daughter that is 13 and they were all at the park together. Mrs. X was on a blanket with her 13 year old daughter and the twins were running around like crazy people. I met Mrs. X because Nora saw a ball that one of her twins had and went rushing over to the blanket. I wasn´t able to talk to Mrs. X for very long, but I found out some interesting things.

1. She´s from Paris.
2. Her husband is an African American living in NYC
3. She lived in Russia for awhile because her oldest speaks it..among three other languages.
4. She speaks French to her children..or maybe I should say ¨yells¨ it.
5. She seemed very very rich. Her diaper bag was Gucci. And not a fake one either.
6. She told me that she never comes to the park with her kids because they annoy her and that they usually come with the Nanny.

Ok, stop right there. This question has always blown my mind since the beginning of time. WHY do women have kids if they hate them and are going to have the Nanny raise them? I mean, what´s the point, honeslty? Does anyone know? I´m going to have to ask Mrs. X the next time I see her. I don´t think she´ll mind.

Until our next meeting Mrs. X....until next time.....


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