Saturday, May 14, 2011

The pits.

So, last week Antonio had something weird going on with his armpit. It was just really red and irritated and I told him it´s prob from that jungle he calls an armpit. I even think I saw a monkey swinging around on that bush.

Point taken. He shaved. Score! I like having a metrosexual husband. Any time a woman OR man raises his arm and a bush of hair whacks you in the face that´s just unacceptable. Period.

So, he told me that he was putting talcom powder on it and it was getting much better. Hmm. I thought that was interesting since we didn´t have any talcom powder. Then I went into the bathroom and noticed the bottle of ¨Summer´s Eve¨ powder on the bathroom sink. I almost wet my pants. ¨That´s for Vaginas!¨ I schreeched at him through my snorty laugh.

The best part is....he didn´t care and kept using it...and his armpit was instantly healed. Woot!


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