Sunday, May 22, 2011


So, tonight we decided to head to a friend´s house. They are a fun couple that live about twenty five min away and have a 3 year old and another daughter that is only three months older than Nora (Nora is lots bigger than her FYI) so I thought it would be fun if the girls played and we could hang with their parents.

So, we get there and the three year old opens the door with a shower cap on her head. ¨That´s weird I thought. Are they coloring her hair so young?¨

Ya, she has lice.

Seriously? Do you think you could have told us that before we came over! Awkard.

My head started itching instantly.

So, we were in. It´s not like we could just turn around and leave. Or could we? I REALLY wanted to, believe me!

About a half an hour later the mom and the grandma took off the cap and had to comb her hair looking for all these eggs. They´re all ¨Do you want to see it on the hair and on the comb?¨

My thought...¨HELL NO I want to stay as far away from her as possible.¨
My earthly reply, ¨Sure¨

They are TINY...not even a fine tooth comb can get them all out. Intense. They´ve been doing the treatment the past couple nights and each time there are less and less so that´s obviously good. But I´m all..don´t you have to wash all the sheets, towels, sofas etc? And they are all ¨no, it´s fine.¨ I wanted to RUN away.

So, the rest of the night my head is itching and the daughter keeps getting close to Nora and hugging her and their hair was def touching at some points. I Wanted. To. Die!

Seriously, can we go yet?

When we FINALLY were able to leave the daughter was all, ¨HUG and KISS¨ I played dumb and pretended like I didn´t know what she was saying but her mom was standing right there and ¨translated for me¨ DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I don´t have lice as I type this it´s a miracle.


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