Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Nora woke up hotter than a firecracker this morning. Off to the doctor we went. She just has a standard cold really...coughing, runny nose and fever. I honestly don´t know how parents deal with sick children. I mean, really sick children (i.e. cancer). Our daughter gets her first fever and shi$ hits the fan. It´s intense having a sick little one. Praising God for a healthy (generally!) baby that has no life threatening problems (minus her mother who chases after her with coca cola cans). (See yesterdays blog) Here´s to hoping she gets better soon!

On a random note...How about the most recent episode of Glee? I loved the original songs. Hell to the No was my favorite. Also, isn´t it funny when you hear a song (or smell a smell) it can instantly take you back to an exact moment of your past. I heard ¨Black Bird¨ on Glee and I was instantly taken back to my bedroom cerca 1996 when Ted Fetters just broke up w me and I bought the Beatles WHITE album and I was laying on my bed..for like weeks...listening to that CD and I memorized all the songs..Black Bird being one of them. AH, to be young again. Ted Fetters..if you are reading this you ripped my heart out and stomped on it until it was almost lifeless.

I hope you got an STD in college. Better yet, I hope you got an STD in grad there!

Moving on......

I would also like to mention that when Antonio and I lived in different countries and were dating we could talk on the phone for two hours straight no problem. Now that he´s out of town and calls every night our maximum convo is like five minutes and that´s pushing it. hmmm. Isn´t that hilarious..or just sad?


Blogger amberWIRE said...

Oh, Ted Fetters...

12:59 AM  

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