
I´m so glad Nora is able to spend so much time w her abuelos Julia and Antonio. She learns so much from them too and of course they love her more than life itself. They have a dog (boxer) and at lunch we give Nora a piece of food and say, ¨give it to the Chiqui¨ and she does! She also gets a washcloth from Julia and ¨cleans the windows¨ This kid is hilarious!!!!!!
I´ve also taught her the signs for ¨more¨ and ¨finished¨ which she´s got down. I´m going to teach her some more. She says, ¨wow wow¨ when she sees a dog (that´s what they say here) she kisses, waves bye bye, and ¨sings¨ when she´s happy. What a joy she is to our life!
She´s in 18 mth clothes now. BIG GIRL!
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