Nora turns 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today you turn one and are weighing in at 27.5 lbs. You seem to have leveled off a bit..thank goodness!
I really don´t even know where to begin! I am in shock that this year has gone by so fast and keep remembering our journey at the hospital like it was yesterday. The first time I saw your face, held you tight and kissed your lips will forever be tattooed in my brain. You were so tiny and helpless and now just a year later you are running around, waving, ¨talking¨ and laughing up a storm (all 27.5 lbs of you!)
You love to walk (almost run) so therefore have lots of bumps and bruises pretty much all over your body! You still love music and your abuela claims you were ¨dancing¨ Sevillanas the other day in the living room. She said you raised your hands and twirled around twice. I´m not sure about that...but I think something music related is definitely in your future! You love animals and other kids and you love to explore. I call you nora the explorer.
I found a baby swing this past month and you LOVE it. You giggle the whole time we are pushing you and you never want to get out. I also went to another playgroup this month and you loved seeing the other kids and relating with them. We are going to have to work on are a bit of a bully!
It´s amazing to me how happy go lucky you are and you literally make everyone smile around you wherever we go. You are soooooooooooo sociable and are not afraid of anyone or anything. Future president?
You love to eat anything in sight and you are still a very good sleeper. You are starting to copy things that we do and understand how things work. Today the doorbell rang and you ran straight for the door! You´d never done that before. It´s like you store things away that we aren´t aware of and then BANG you act on them. Smart lil cookie.
You like me to read to you and this past month we got you a giant Dora book. We are also having a Dora birthday party. I hope you like it little monkey!
Nora, I´ll be honest with you. Before you were born I wasn´t sure about all of this motherhood jargon. I wasn´t sure if I would be good at it or even if I would enjoy it. (I´m not sure if I am good at it) but I sure do enjoy it. You have changed my life and the lives around you more than you´ll ever know and for that I want to thank you. Thank you for allowing me to learn and grow with you, to make mistakes with you, to be silly with you, to play with you, to tickle you, to be myself with you and to love you. You make my sides hurt from laughter numerous times a day and take away all my cares. A free therapist!
365´s only the beginning and each day we love you more. Happy Birthday Princess. Here´s wishing you many..many...many...more. Love you with all my heart.
¨Heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn on the wonderful, marvelous night you were born.¨
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