Monday, March 14, 2011


So, Nora has been balls out..crazy alligator tear crying for the past two hours and I have no idea why. She started crying when Antonio left to play soccer and it´s been a real joy ever since. I love when she does this when I´m alone. It´s always like that!! I can´t stand when she cries and I don´t know why she´s crying. I always blame it on teething because really, what else could it be?? You´re 12 months old for Gosh sakes, life can´t be that bad, can it?

I did what any other mother would do and stuck her in the bathtub. Relaxing right? It actually worked! She was happy, played, splashed around and I even got her out and into her pj´s with no tears. And then they started again..........and again.........and again............

Wait, what did you say? I can´t hear you since my eardrums just exploded. This might be a very long evening.


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