Saturday, March 28, 2009


-Sorry I have not written in awhile. I´ve been a blog neglector, something I´d never thought I´d be. (tear) Last week I found a weird bump under my chin/neck area so I had to go to the Doc, and then I made another apt because they said they had to jam a needle in my jugular to take out cells to make sure it was normal. Did I mention I´m terrified of needles? So, I worried about the apt. the entire week and made my friend go w me to hold my hand. They basically did a sonogram of my neck and turns out, it´s nothing and no needle needed. Thank God! They could have used the sonogram machine to look at my growing baby.........I kid I kid. I saw all of you just FREAK out right there. What is it with everyone asking me if and when I´m getting prego...even the taxi driver is asking me that! CHILL OUT PEOPLE I´m only Fíng 28 for God´s sake!

-What else, only four days of work left and then I get an entire week off and we are going to Milan for four days. Can´t wait for that!!!! Yipee vacation!

-I saw a man peeing on a church yesterday. Kind of weird.

--I let an old man cut in front of me at the grocery yesterday because he was only carrying one item.........a box of condoms..........again, I was actually a huge gigantous jar of Nesquik....the old man likes his chocolate milk.

-Today we bought some fab deatils for our flat including a new screen TV for our bedroom. Pimped out...check and check.

-I saw the first Cockroach of the season in our bldg. Kill me now.

That´s all I´ve got for now......until next time America.


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