Friday, May 11, 2007

Cherry on Top

Hi. Sorry I haven´t written for awhile. It got hot, so I have no desire to even breathe or open my eyes at this point. A few minutes ago I had to take off my watch because it was just too heavy of a load.


I was thinking about something today in the park..... has the phrase ¨makes my cherry pop¨ become an OK phrase in America? I mean, I wouldn´t be surprised here in Spain since things are much more ¨free¨ but in the USA? Gasp!!

This all came about because I was listening to the new song ¨Candyman¨ by Christina Aguilera and she said, ¨he makes my cherry pop¨ and I almost choked on my shock. Then I got to thinking that I had heard this phrase a few other times recently. One being in the movie ¨Family Stone¨ I specifically remember the mom being like, ¨Did he pop your cherry?¨ Also, in the movie ¨Man in the moon¨ (This is my favorite movie ever) the guy says to Reese Witherspoon, ¨I´m not going to be the first one to pop your cherry.¨ (She´s literally like 13 in this movie.)

Ok, I mean, there are three examples here for you people. This phrase is so shocking...and also hilarious.

I´ve never had anyone explain this phrase to me but I think I know what they are referring to......but the words here are just a little over the top..AKA POP and CHERRY. I¨m pretty sure nothing ¨pops¨ and as for cherries........well, if a lady has something down there that is that big I suggest she see her family doctor immediately.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, still not mainstream... I also almost choked when I heard that when Mrs A sang that as the ball dropped to ring in 2007.

KY Rach

5:40 PM  

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