Friday, June 15, 2012

Hands OFF!

It´s a known fact that from the months of June to Sept I´m pretty much a raging bitch. Maybe because it´s 100 degrees out on a daily basis. That there are now cockroaches in my home that come with the heat and I have to walk or ride my bike everywhere. I think it also has to do with the fact that I just NEED to get out of here and am missing the good ole´US of A. When you are hot and irritable everyone and everything annoys you. At least me. I need to put a sign on my forehead that says ¨LEAVE ME ALONE¨ I´d like to walk downtown and not be stopped every two feet by someone asking for money or for me to donate money. I don´t have any freaking money. My husband is unemployed too A holes so just BACK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also like to just LOOK at stores. NO I DO NOT NEED HELP LET ME FREAKING LOOK. Again... BACK OFF! Finally, there are African American dudes that ¨work¨ the stoplights here and sell tissue. Fine. Do what you gotta do. But WHY do people think it´s ok to just touch other people´s kids? There´s this one guy that we pass all the time and I CaNNOT STAND HIM because he acts like your best friend, tries to talk to you FOREVER and then at the end of all that always aks for money! OK AWKWARD! So, today I was trying to walk past him because it was 500 degrees in the sun and he´s like STOP I want to talk to your daughter...and then he started like carressing her hands and touching her face! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, do I know you? How dirty are your hands? SO, I was like ¨don´t touch her¨ GASP I couldn´t believe that came out of my mouth either but come on dude...what gives perfect strangers the right to think they can just touch other people´s kids? Is this an American thing? Me no likey. So, then I felt guilty the whole walk home for being so mean. But why should I feel guilty? I´m just teling some stranger to stop touching my kid. Is that so wrong? UGH! I miss you America!


Blogger Unknown said...

Haha! I don't know why they feel they can always do this? Too many beggars around here all from Romania

3:10 PM  

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