Saturday, May 19, 2012

27 Months.

Dear Nora. You are now 27 months old. You´ve actually been pretty good lately (knocking on wood as I type this) and I think you had more tantrums around a year and a half than you´ve been having lately. You are speaking quite a bit lately which cracks me up. The other day you came into my room in the morning and said ¨WAKE UP MAMA! I LOVE YOU.¨ It melted my heart. You know all the colors in Spanish and English, can count to twelve in Spanish and English and are very interested in the Alphabet and can name a few of the letters. According to Babycenter by 30 mths some kids can name A color. So this means you are OBVIOUSLY a genius. . . HA! You LOOOVE stickers, crayons, markers and coloring. You are SO not into dolls at the moment! You love playing with your blocks (stacking and saying ¨Look Mommy CASTLE!¨ puzzles..well, and anything else that gets you dirty. You are absolutely obsessed with the park and from the moment you wake you are already saying park, park, park, park park. Ok honey, I heard you! You like to repeat stuff... a lot! AND YES PEPPA PIG! We bought you a Peppa doll this month and you sleep with her every night. We left you alone with your grandparents for THREE whole nights and when we called you on the phone you were way too busy to chat with us. (We were in Malta) You HAVE to be covered up in your crib by TWO blankets (even though it´s super hot) and you also HAVE to be wearing your Peppa socks. You call milk ¨milak¨ even though I correct you every time and you call chocolate ¨chalk¨ which seriously makes me laugh every time. You love to paint your nails and toenails (actually I paint them) and you say ¨LOOK mama PRETTY!¨ You eat everything in sight! You are so caring and if anyone is crying you say, ¨It´s ok, don´t cry.¨ Thank you for letting us love you every day! Mama


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