Tuesday, June 19, 2012

28 months

Hi Nora. Yesterday you turned 28 months old. The biggest thing that stands out to me this month is that you are weighing in at 17.200 kilos...a whopping 37 pounds! Basically you are the size of a four year old. My arm muscles should be a lot bigger than they already are. Hmm. I´m going to have to carry you around more often! ha. Maybe that´s why people look at me funny when I change your diaper in public..because they think you are like SIX wearing diapers. You ask for the potty on occassion but lately get VERY angry when I mention it. So, I take that as a sign you are not quite ready for the good ole´ potty training bonanza. This month I started to take you to the pool and YOU LOVE IT. I had to tell you a zillion times the first time we went to close your mouth because you kept laughing so hard and swallowed the entire pool. We´ve gone four times and you wear your arm bands and JUMP off the edge ALONE ...that´s my fearless girl. You are a pretty good kicker (we´re working on the arms) and you are good at blowing bubbles with your nose too. Great job! You will be swimming in no time! You love to swing and go to the park and this past month we put you in an art class. You LOVE to paint, color, play with stickers and stack your blocks as high as you can and say ¨castle mommy, play.¨ You are speaking a lot and lots of Spanglish comes out of your mouth i.e. ¨mucho careful.¨ It´s too cute for words. You are still sleeping about 11 hours at night and a 1.5 to 2 hour nap. You have SO many stuffed animals in your crib that you HAVE to have I don´t even know how you fit in there. Not to mention your BIG and SMALL blanket. OCD anyone? I don´t know where you would get that! ha. You are getting your two year molars and haven´t even seemed to notice. FINALLY we are almost done with the tooth adventure that started when you were only 3 mths old! You are STILL obsessed with Peppa and lately spiders and how ¨scared¨ you are. There is an episode on Peppa that has a spider called ¨skinny legs¨ and sometimes after you claim that you saw him in your room you say, ¨It´s okay mommy, he loves you.¨ ha!You are so smart, sensitive and funny and the highlight of a lot of people´s day. You are NOT a great listener at the moment but we are working on that;) As I sat with a friend today and her 1 month old I couldn´t stop telling her how fast time goes and I cannot believe every month as I write an update that you are another month older, another month gone yet another memory made. I love you so much! Mommy


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