Friday, July 15, 2011


Don´t you just love going to any sort of an appointment and waiting at least an hour in the waiting room. This has always baffled me. WHY do you tell me to come at five thirty and then really not even call me in until six thirty..or later? I have other things I could be doing...seriously. I have a toddler. There´s always something to be doing.

So, Thursday A and I went to the dentist. I waited over an hour and was in the chair for a total of (I kid you not) 2 minutes. She looked at my teeth and said, ¨I see absolutely no plack or cavities and I see no need to do a cleaning.¨ Um, okay?
Part of me was soo happy because I just saved eighty euros. The other half was all, ¨What?¨ Are these just Spanish standards or are my teeth really that kick ass? Should I get them cleaned this summer in the USA? I am so confused!

Also, we had Nora´s hip apt. on Thursday. She has been ¨wearing her brace¨ AKA wearing a towel in between her crotch since October. NINE months. I mean, seriously, if she HAD BEEN wearing that brace for NINE months I probably would have killed myself by now. Well, towel crotch must be working because SHE IS FINE! YIPEE! No surgery or anything. The doctor said to ¨try the next three mths without the aparatus¨ and then come back in October. Score! Towel crotch will continue (at night) until October! YIPEE! I secretly think N likes towel crotch...should I be worried?


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