10 months

Dear Nora,
Today you turn 10 months old and you are weighing in at 27 lbs. I think you are slimming down due to the NON STOP activity. You don´t crawl you ZOOM around the house! You are standing up now and ¨cruising¨ with the furniture and new walking toy that Nana and Pa bought you. I think you´ll be walking definitely before the year is out.
You constantly have something in your mouth and it´s incredible how observant you are and very much into detail.
Somewhere in the last month I crossed that line from caretaker of a baby to caretaker and disciplinarian, which I´m not quite sure I´m ready for. How do you discipline a baby? So far ¨no¨ and ¨caca¨ seems to be working quite well.
If you are tired and we say this to you.....the end of the world is near. You have a major melt down and cry like we´ve just torn out every single one of your finger nails one by one and then plucked out every hair on your head......and then some more. My heart then breaks into a million pieces and I apologize to the universe for giving you such a mean mean mommy.
I think you are teething again and this week you have been a bit unbearable! Super whiney ..maybe it has something to do with the minor cold you have too. I might also have to have a chat with your grandparents as they can´t bear to hear you cry even for a second.......which causes problems for mean mommy in the long-run!
Recently you´ve started to go to sleep like normal (in your crib in your own room finally!) and about two hours later you wake up screaming your head off. This has been happening for the last week! I´m hoping you outgrow it very very soon because your papa and I are tired!
I can´t get over your diva-ness and quite frankly it has peaked at ten months. I´m afraid, very afraid. You are such an actress and always have been and seriously have hte fake cough thing down to a T. Attention anyone? Do other babies do this? I have no idea where you got this from:O)
It seems like you have discovered ANGER and RAGE this month and heaven forbid the ball you are playing with goes out of reach or disappears behind the couch. Watch out world tigress Nora appears! Again, hoping this is a phase!
Either way you are so loved and have brightened the lives of all of those around you with your crazy antics and silly smiles.
Love you!
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