deck the halls

Yesterday we finally put up our tree! I usually put it up the weekend right after Thanksgiving, but I had to find some sort of gate to put in front of it before I even attempted to put it up because I knew little Miss Nora would be ALL OVER IT!
I love listening to Bing Crosby and putting up the tree...ok Antonio puts it up and I decorate. I have decorations of mine from when I was little and new one´s to celebrate marriage, our new home and now new baby.
It seriously seems like we were just putting the tree up. How has a year gone by already????? Last year my belly was gigantic and we were wondering what Nora would be like. Even if we tried we couldn´t even have imagined ...what a blessing!
It´s my last day of my 20´s. Gotta enjoy it. 2010 was a great year!
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