9 months

Dear Nora,
Today you turn nine months old and are weighing in at around 26 pounds. Hard to believe that the first year of your life is 75% over. I really do think that time has gone by faster ever since you´ve been born!
This past month was quite a busy one. You travelled on an airplane yet again and we went to visit some friends in England. You had a good time and were such a good little monkey!
We also dressed you up like a little devil for Halloween and I honestly don´t think you were that impressed. Maybe next year you will have more fun.
You are still wearing your brace and will need it until February, but not even that can stop you. This month you have really gone from ¨bouncing¨ in place and have taken off and are zooming around the house like a little racecar. You also love to stand up (especially in your crib at naptime when you should be sleeping) and I think you are going to be walking sooner rather than later!
You absolutely love music and every time you are crabby or upset we just play some music and it´s like a dark cloud has been lifted and all is well in your world again. You start to laugh and you love to ¨dance¨ all the time!!!!!!!!!
Your smile makes everyone´s day a little bit brighter and no one can believe how tall/fat you are. I attribute the tallness to your American blood! Someone also commented the other day that your hands are gigantic. Here´s to hoping that a set of man hands are not in your future.
You are getting more hair slowly but surely, but I still hear peole calling you a boy when we´re out. I´m really not sure what else I can do about that little girl. I dress you in pink and you have earrings, they must be blind and stupid.
I´m not sure how many teeth you have at this point because you hate when I touch your mouth and I fear I may lose an apendage if I try sticking my fingers in there. I think you have 8 more or less!
You absolutely hate getting dressed.....this worries me that you like to be naked so much. Where did you get that from?!
You love your abuelas dog and try to pet her any chance you get. You make a funny cooing noise when you finally touch her. You also love the fish tank and can stare at it/be entertained for a good 30 min.
You love to watch you Sesame Street while eating your cereal every morning and you laugh hysterically at Burt and Ernie. You are quite the eater and there really isn´t anything that you don´t like at this point.
I started working again this past month and I miss you terribly while I´m away. You make me smile when I come home and call your name you come crawling towards me wherever you are in the house.
You now are able to hold your arms up when you want held and sometimes you wave ¨bye bye¨
You are such a joy to be around and I couldn´t ask for a better baby!
In the words of my fellow blogger Rebecca ¨ I´ve taken a hundred thousand photos so I can capture your infancy like a butterfly and keep you flapping forever in my heart.
In my dreams you were faceless and now I know why. I never would have believed such beauty was possible.
It is my greatest honor to be your guide for as long as you'll have me.
Thank you (Dear Nora) for being mine.¨
Love, Mama
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