Saturday, November 06, 2010

beautiful day

What a gorgeous day today! The sun is shining, it´s nearly 80º and we decided to take a walk downtown. I was thoroughally enjoying the sights and sounds when I heard someone throwing up on the main street downtown. That´s so freaking gross. I turned to comment to Antonio about how gross that was...Antonio? Hey, where are you? Oh wait, he was throwing up on the wall downtown with people staring at him like he was a total loser who drank too much or something. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I am not gonne lie I just kept walking and acted like I didn´t know him. Bad wife? Possibly. Necessary? Absolutely. I hate throw-up! (Nora is never going to throw up in her life)

Apparenlty his stomach was hurting. I´m glad I know these things ahead of time.


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