
So, we just spent the weekend visiting friends in England and I wonder why we don´t travel more often. Pretty much every country is two hours from our doorstep. It´s been way too long since I´ve been in England and I kept telling my friends we´d get there...I think about 8 years have passed, but hey, we made it! I found a cheap flight on ryanair that I couldn´t turn down!
A, Nora and I kinda got to the airport a little late so we did not sit by each other on the plane (well, N was with me) ha. I sat next to two Scottish ladies. Have you ever had a conversation with someone from Scotland? It´s a little bit like running a marathon and you are completely exhausted and dehydrated by the end. I think I may have even gone cross-eyed for a bit. It´s like trying to understand Chinese and actually maintain a conversation. I picked up a few words here and there and she kept talking about her friends kids ...¨wee boys and wee girls¨ how cute is that? If I said Nora is a ¨wee girl¨ I might just get punched. She had on a frilly chirt and Nora kept grabbing her giant boob. Don´t think she minded much.....or maybe she did and I just couldn´t understand her.
We scoped out Liverpool and it was neat to see where the Beatle´s got their start. Pretty wild!!!!
I met David and Ondra when I went on a mission trip at Purdue and I stayed in their house for ten days. 11 years later we´re still friends! So awesome how small the world is! We had a great time and I hope to go back sooner rather than later.
Cadbury chocolate. Check.
English tea. Check.
Cold weather fix. Check.
Visit to Christmas world. Check.
Driving on left side of road. Check.
Amazing time. Check.
Cheerio England! Cheerio!
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