Monday, October 18, 2010

8 months

Dear Nora,

Today you are 8 months old weighing in at 25 lbs. I really can´t carry you around for long periods of time because you are just ridiculously big. So much has happened this past month and when it comes time for me to write your newsletter I can´t remember half of it! I´ll do my best!

You´ve only been eating solids this past month, but it already is so routine that it seems like forever. You didn´t like much at first, but now are warming up to the idea. You like bananas, pears and sweetpotatoes the best. Your absolute favorite is orange juice. We let you suck on a piece and you would not give it up! I thought you were going to sleep with it or something. You made ¨the face¨ but then kept reaching out for more. Hilarious! You eat really well with the spoon and when we put things on your tray you pick it up and eat it with your tiny fingers. Good eater..hence the 25 lbs!

This month we have to put you in a brace for your hips which was traumatic for all of us at first, but we´ve all adjusted and hopefully it will be coming off in November. I´m so thankful you are happy and healthy because even just this tiny thing kind of threw your dad and I for a loop.

You are such an observer and a lot of times you hear and see things long before anyone else around. You definitely do not give up if things don´t go how you planned the first time around and you figure out how to make it work. You wanted to pick something up and your brace got in the way so you managed to switch hands and move the object under the brace, it was pretty fun watching your brain in action.

You don´t like being told ¨no¨ and you kind of grunt when we say it. Most of the time you listen and if you don´t and we say no again w a louder voice and you start to cry. You should listen the first time! :O)

You are very happy and smiley and are still not afraid of strangers and you do not miss mom and dad when we are gone. I could leave you at a strangers doorstep and I think you´d be ok with that.

You have been waking up screaming in the night and I can´t figure out why. Hopefully that stops soon! You now have four teeth and a little space in between the top two just like daddy. Teething doesn´t seem to bother you at all.

Your hair is getting whispy and I´m thinking it might be straight like mine, we´ll see!

You are ¨crawling¨ around but it´s more of an army slither...but it gets you from A to B. We have to keep a constant watch on you. Why is it that you always want to play with things that you shouldn´t?! You have a whole toy box you know!

You sit up in your crib now which is super annoying since you should be sleeping! I´ve seen you trying to pull yourself up in the standing position too. Won´t be long and you´ll be walking around!

You babble away non-stop and each day is a new something or other. It seems pretty important whatever it is!

We have our routine down pat and you still take two 1.5 hour naps and sleep 12 hours at night (when you don´t wake up screaming) I am still breastfeeding you which can be quite challenging at times since you are constantly on the move. Most of the time you wake up once early in the morning to feed and it´s my favorite time with you. You then fall asleep and I cuddle you and kiss your face while you sleep. I know I´ll always remember that and cherish those moments forever. I already feel like when you are awake you´re too busy for a snuggle!

Well, Nora I think those are the main things that have happened this month! Each day you are a box of surprises and keep us on our toes, that´s for sure.
We thank the Lord for you on a daily basis and are so proud to call you ours. Happy 8 mths baby girl. Love you!
¨Being a full -time mother is one of the highest paid salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love.¨ mildred vermon


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