Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I've been living in Europe for five yrs. now and each time I come back I kinda get weirded out by things.

1. new inventions. Have you seen the "Off" clip on fan? wowzers. I should just take these things back w me and claim that I invented them.

2. Everyone acts like my best friend. I'm not used to anyone and everyone saying hello to me and striking up conversations. It's just not common in Seville. I want to say, " Do I know you?" By the end of the conversation I feel that these complete strangers know my whole life story. It's wild.

3. Slow drivers in the left lane. GET OVER!

4. Not honking. Here honking is SOOOOOOO rude and there it's just what everyone does. Wild.

5. Drive Thru's

6. Mullets and men wearing sweatpants.

7. Women with mullets wearing sweatpants.

8. Yards and sprinklers with pools and swingsets (sigh).

9. Supermarkets with aisles for one thing ie. cereal, detergent etc.

10. English!!!!!!!!


Anonymous lyndee said...

i feel ya sara. i saw a person wearing their pajamas to wal-mart and 1) i wanted to kick myself for being in wal-mart 2) i wanted to tell the pajama clad person to buy some real pants instead of pre-packaged food.
the joys of our lifestyle...

5:43 PM  

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