Friday, June 18, 2010

4 months!

My Dearest Nora,
Today you turn 4 months old! You are more fun with each passing day! You are weighing in at 17.5 lbs and are quite the talk of the neighborhood. Everyone stops us to squeeze your thighs and little chunky cheeks. Of course no one can believe you are only 4 mths old. You have been holding your head up and standing up for quite some time now!

I think the biggest news this month is that you have two bottom teeth!!! You have been slobbering up a storm, but other than that you haven´t even been fussy! You do like to bite mommy which is no fun....I´m going to have to teach you NO at a very early age!

You still love cartoons and hanging out outside! This month we bought you a baby pool and you love splashing around. You look adorable in your tiny bikini!

My friend Susie came to visit and you absolutely loved her. We went downtown a few times and you even met Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. A lady from the movie even said, ¨how cute¨ when she saw you. You draw everyone´s attention!

You laugh and smile all of the time and now you want to grab on to absolutely everything...including my hair which hurts! When I am feeding you it´s almost like we are on the edge of Mt. Everest and you think you might fall off at have a death grip on my bra!

You are such an amazing sleeper (10-815) and you take 3 naps during the day. You have gotten very good at falling asleep by yourself. I put you in your crib and you chat to yourself for a minute or two and then you are zonked out. I laugh because I always put you in the middle of the crib and everytime I check on you you have scooted to the corner (diagonal) and are holding on to the matress with that same death grip!

You had your 4 month shots yesterday and I made grandma and daddy take you.I just can´t stand seeing you in pain!

You love to blow bubbles and you especially love it when we take you out in the baby bjorn. You discover new things everyday and I love watching you. I probably kiss you 8000 times a day and you laugh when I nuzzle your tummy.

You have brought so much joy and happiness not only to our family but to everyone around you too. You truly are such a special and beautiful little girl and we love doing life with you. Happy 4 months monkey butt!


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