Monday, April 26, 2010

Feria or Bust

I guess it was a bust since Feria week is officially over and we went a total of.....drum roll please.....0 times!!! That´s a first, but then again I´ve never had a small infant before. I can´t fit into my 2 dresses yet since someone (won´t mention any names) lived in my body for 9 mths and I gained a whopping 40 lbs. Still have a few....ok, a lot of those to lose. Plus, it´s just too crazy w drunken whackos and Nora is too tiny. So we dressed her up anyways and just walked around town.

We did catch the fireworks at midnight last night though. We´ve been wanting to see them for a few yrs. but since we always had to get up early to work we never could go see them. Not anymore! Antonio´s parents came over to ¨watch Nora¨ (she sleeps 10-7 now) while we went to our friends downtown. They have an awesome view from their rooftop. Last night I felt like catwoman/and or the chimney sweep from Mary Poppins. I started singing ¨chim chimney chim chimney chim chim cheree¨ It was fabulous. All the people on their rooftops, the cathedral in view, amazing fireworks and 75º at midnight. Ah.

Enclosed are a few pics of me in my previous Feria glory.


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