Thursday, March 22, 2007


¨I´m a loser baby, so why don´t you kill me.¨ I have that song stuck in my head today.

I´m a 26 year old college educated pretty good at spanish gal and I´m a professional babysitter. For twins. ¨Would you like some cheese with that whine?¨ BUT I´m illegal. Hence ´Illegal alien in spain.¨ That´s right folks. I´ve lived here for 2.5 years and I´m only supposed to be here for 90 days. Don´t tell anyone. So, therefore no one or their mother wants to hire me for a ¨real job¨ because I´m a loser-leper. Until I have my heavenly lovely glorious beautiful papers. I´ll get those when I marry my beloved on August 11. Just another benefit that goes along with the deal. THEN and only then my friends will I not be a professional babysitter. Until then....poopy diapers and spit up it is. I don´t know if any of you watch Sex and the City but I am totally Miranda when it comes to the baby dept. Not good with kids all. So I think it´s HIlarious that Im a nanny. Another secret, I don´t even like kids. Gosh, I´m hoping I like my own. Can´t I interview them or something before they are born? Nope, not!

I called my dad today and the conversation went like this.
me: HI
Dad: Hello
me: How are you?
Dad: Who is this?
me: Um your daughter!
Dad: Oh, hi.

Happy 31st Birthday today Brother. I still have scars on my ass crack from all of those wedgies you used to give me. Thanks for that.


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