Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where did I come from?

Have you ever seen this book? My parents read it to me when I was in second grade and I was horrified. Wait, you did WHAT? WHY? That´s disgusting and wrong. The pictures were hilarious and the way they described having an orgasm will make you LOL. Read it!

I never had time to think if the stork dropped me off at my house or where else I possibly could have come from. I was like 8. At least I got the facts early on, but it was definitely something I did NOT like to think about. I will admit, I did sneak down to the basement and look at the pictures every once in a blue moon. Hey, I was curious!

Boys always freaked me out.

I wasn´t allowed to date until I was 16 (this is when I had my first kiss) and I did not have sex until I got married (applause here). I WAS interested in it probably around 16, but I figured I would probably get pregnant my first time,even if I used a condom and birth control I probably STILL would have gotten prego. (I did get pregnant the first time when we started trying) so HA I was right! Kind of.

It has always been and still is SO mind boggling to me how people just have sex with random people. It´s something I can´t even fathom doing. Ever.

Anyways, I´m getting off track here. So, tonight I was teaching 2 girls who are 11 and they were asking me about sex! Age 11! WTF? I was in like FIFTH grade at this point and playing with Barbies I´m pretty sure. It´s incredibly sad to me how KIDS are just way ahead of themselves in life. They have their blackberries (Who are you calling at age 11?) and talk about boys all the time etc. Ok, maybe fast forward six years and I would be like ¨ok¨ but age ELEVEN?

It terrifies me, being the mother of a daughter. Terrifying. How do you teach your daughter not to be trampy? We as parents can educate her by reading ¨Where did I come from¨ (HA) and talk to her openly about sex etc. but in the end, each person is going to decide what he or she wants to do. Or should I say who.

Here´s to hoping my daughter isn´t a tramp.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pep talk, Sara! ;)

4:48 PM  
Blogger andreaallan said...

Amen, sister! Yikes, it's scary having girls!

3:29 PM  

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