Wednesday, January 18, 2012

23 mths!

Dear Nora,
Today you turn 23 months old. I can already smell your birthday cake. How is this possible??

You have been QUITE the handful this month. Keeping us on our toes for sure. The two´s have not hit and the ¨terrible¨ has arrived early!

This past month was your second X mas and your dad and I had one motto ¨start low¨ If we start the expectations high, then you will expect too many presents on X mas day. So, we opted for 2 gifts and you were fine with that. It´s not like you only got 2 in total..what with family and all that. You got PLENTY and of course had no idea what was going on but you liked to rip the paper off and run to throw it into the trash.

Nana and Pa came for a visit from Dec 30 to Jan 10 so that was exciting. It was fun to watch you interact with them again and get to know them a little better. You really enjoyed sticking stickers on Pa´s face:)

Jan 6th the Three Kings arrived..more presents for Nora and a parade!!!!! We really enjoy having you around (OK, I guess we´ll keep you) especially during the Holiday´s!

You weight 15.5 Kilos and eat everything in sight. You sleep from 10 to 930 and have a nap from 4 to 6 every day.

Lately your favorite word is NOOOOOOO and you know what you want, and if you don´t get it you scream, whine, and cry. eek.

You are speaking more Spanish than English at the moment but I´m not too worried. You are OBSESSED with Peppa pig and want to watch it for hours at a time. I swear you wake up saying , ¨Peppa Pig?¨
You love to ¨color¨ and you only share the broken crayons with me. How sweet.
You HAVE to go to the park every day or you flip out. YOU LOVE the swing and could be on that thing for hours at a time!!!!!!!!
I ask God for patience on a daily basis cuz I need it with you girl...ha!

Love you monkey face!


Blogger Jill said...

happy 23 months Nora! Be nice to Mommy!

4:50 AM  

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