Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Holy busy-ness

Wow. My parents left this morning and it´s just been so busy I have not had a second to blog. Sorry blog land followers. I am now back and ready to attack.

Vacation was so great. They got here on Dec 30th and we went to pick them up at the airport. All was well until Nora totally vommed on the way home. Strawberry milk. Yum! The car smelled good for about a week..ick!

We rocked in the New Year at Antonio´s parents house and had a lot of fun. You are supposed to eat 12 grapes as the clock is striking midnight but my mom and I didn´t quite make it...I made her...us laugh and we only got to about 4. Hopefully that doesn´t mean that we will have a bad year! Nora made it too. Yay for 2012!

We went on a few roadtrips..Zahara, Cordoba and Cadiz so that was really fun too. It´s fun to show them other cities in Spain and I love to travel too! We had mojitos at the top of a 5 star hotel here in Sevilla and found New York Pizza slices on the way home (at a restaurant). Talk out perfection!

Don´t forget three kings day on Jan 6th. It was like X mas day all over again...and then that nigh parade galore! I finally was able to take down my tree. X mas is never ending here!

Sales started in Jan so there was also lots of shopping to do!! Is it bad that N has an entire wardrobe already until she´s like 4? ha!

There was lots of park going and Starbucks runs and laugh til you cry laughing and long conversations and old movie watching and good food eating and a partridge in a pear tree.



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