Tuesday, July 22, 2008

patty cake, patty cake

I made my first cake today! That´s right folks, I was a cake virgin. I´ve always been a baker....but mostly cookies and bars. Isn´t it weird how I LOVE to bake but I hate to cook. At any rate cookies and cakes are non-existent here. Spaniards eat things like......flan. Boo. So, things like Crisco, brown sugar, powdered sugar, cream of tartar, cake mix, brownie mix, pie fillings and marshmallows are NON EXISTENT. Which, in turn, makes my baking time extremely difficult. BUT it was my mother in laws B day today so I HAD to do something special. Luckily, I found this store that has a TINY tiny tiny section of ¨American¨ things and I found a cake mix. I paid nearly 10 dollars for this cake mix.

It was worth it though.

Happy Birthday Julia. You look good for 60.


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