Sunday, January 27, 2008

happy sunday

That´s what Antonio and I always say to each other when we wake up on Sundays. Today was a good one. We like to go to the market on Sundays and there is also a market for baby animals. I LOVE PUPPIES. I want one..someday!

We then went to the country house and I rode a bike. I haven´t ridden a bike in YEARS. It had a bell and everything. I felt like a little girl again.

Then, tonight I made snickerdoodles. I lost count after five. They are delicious. This is a big deal for me. I´ve always been a pretty good baker and not a good cook. If we lived off of sweets that would be fantastic. When I was living with A´s parents I was dying because their oven was no good. I burnt brownies at least 3 or 4 times.....due to the oven! Also, a lot of people in Spain really don´t have ovens..cookies etc. are NOT common. When I was home in IN I had to get ingredients like baking soda, baking powder, cream of tartar.....Ya, it took me awhile to find that! So, you see, these snickerdoodles are magical in my eyes!

Happy sunday!


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