Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pukey Tuesday

Waking up at 630 am to puke is never a good time. Puking is probably one of my least favorite activities in this lifetime. It burns your esophagus, nose, and eyes. Only to be repeated again about an hour later. Migraines suck my big fat hairy toe. I´ve had them for 15 years now. I think that´s sufficient and that they can go away at any time. That would be fine by me. I´m feeling a little better now although my body smells like puke. Sweetness. I better get a shower because I have an interview at six.

The awesome thing that I didn´t tell you about the other job was that while I was waiting for them to call me back I lost 2 other jobs in the meantime. SWEET. Yesterday I sent out a bunch of resumes and a guy wrote me an e mail today and basically told me my curriculum sucks. Thanks buddy. Why don´t u just stab me in the heart? Ass.


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