Monday, September 24, 2007


I am a sick little puppy. It all started Friday. I have this weird pain in my chest. It´s muscular and it´s happened´s close to my heart. So, basically every time I breathe it feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest. It´s really fun. Like I said, I´ve had this before but never for this long period of time. It usually last a few hours. This has been DAYS.

Also, I got felt up by an 80 year old man today. Granted he was the doctor, but still weird having a gramps touch your boob. Also on Friday I broke out in hives..again. I have no idea why this happens to me only in Spain but it´s never happend in IN..ever. It´s super weird and it´s only on my chest and the back of my arms this time instead of my whole body. Even the doctor that touched my boob doesn´t know what it is. Sweet. I´m probably going to die. Here is a pic.


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