Thursday, May 17, 2007


Well, soccer is a pretty big deal here in Spain. Last night Sevilla played in Glasgow. Here´s the thing..Sevilla has two teams (Sevilla and Betis). We here in this household are Betis..or die. So, when Sevilla won last night lets just say Antonio wasn´t thrilled. The game was televised and got over around 11pm. Until 7 am I just heard BEEP BEEP HONK HONK and BEEP. Every car in the entire universe was honking and then an occasional firecracker would scare me so bad my heart ripped through the flesh of my chest. Of course the firecrackers would always go off right when I was at that point and ready to drift off into wonderful dream land and see Patrick Dempsey´s long flowing locks and then BOOM instant heart attack.

New girl and I are having fun at work. I´ve been with her all this week and all next week and then I´m done..yipee!!! Today we went to the park and she started eating these berries off the tree. Whoa, slow down there missy. So, then when she offered one to me I thought ¨What if I get the big D attack? Or even worse..poison?¨ It seems like eating fruit right off the tree is forbidden. Maybe that goes back to good ole´ when she handed me the berry I felt so evil but it was fun! I ended up eating about 50 of them and so far so good. No big D or death as of yet. If I don´t write for awhile you´ll know what happened to me.


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