Thursday, November 10, 2011


If you have a blog and you have a have to know that 98.4% of what you write on your blog will probably have to do w your kid. We hope that other mothers out there in cyberspace will write us advice, or tell us they´ve been there, done that. It makes us feel better. For a little while anyways.

N has always been a good sleeper. Bath, book, milk, bed. ¨Night night! Love you, see you tomorrow.¨ Crib and zzzzzzzzzzzz.

The past two nights as soon as we try to put her in her crib she FLIPS OUT and clings to me like a newborn monkey. The past two nights I´ve had to rock her to sleep and the night before last she woke up hysterical from 3 to 5 am. Thoughts?


Blogger Meredith said...

Let her cry it out. If you can't handle hearing her cry, then leave the house. For some reason, men can usually withstand the tears better than women. In my opinion, this is the only way to gain back control, otherwise you are handing it over to her. She might cry for 30 minutes one night, 15 minutes the next and 5 the following night butit the crying will get less and less until it stops.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Intelligence said...

have you tried playing music or singing lullabies to her? while it might not seem effective at first it might be helpful to experiment with different melodies and/or songs until you find one that works. and if warm milk can put grown men to sleep i'm sure it could work wonders for the youngn's

7:46 PM  

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