Saturday, September 18, 2010

7 months!

Dear Nora,

Today you turn seven months old and are weighing in at 23.5 lbs. You have ¨grown up¨ so much this past month I can hardly stand it! The pediatrician says you are the size of a one year old. I proudly attribute this to your American blood. USA!She also said you are perfect and that my milk must be amazing. Thank you Lord for good milky milk! For this reason you haven´t even had any other foods yet. It´s getting so very tricky to feed you as you get distracted by a pin drop and you constantly want to roll over! I´m lucky to get any food into your system at all!

Your hair is getting longer and you always have one strand that sticks over your ear. It cracks me up! I think it might be straight. We´ll see! You still only have two bottom teeth but I think the top ones are going to pop out any second now! You like to play with your toes and I haven´t seen them in your mouth (yet!)

This month you started doing the ¨CHEESE¨ smile where you scrunch up your whole entire face. It´s hilarious! You like to hit, pull, pinch, and punch just about anything and everything. If I don´t have a black eye at some point from you headbutting me or hitting me I´ll be surprised.

You are seriously going to be crawling ANY SECOND and I´m not sure I´m ready for that! We sit you down and you always end up on all fours bouncing like a crazy lady. You are just ready to take off and see the world.

It amazes me at how fast you are at grabbing things and you seem to find things that we didn´t even know were around and put it directly in your mouth. The other day your daddy´s key chain was barely showing out of his pocket and you grabbed it immediately as if it were in plain view!

You love music and we sing to baby Einstein Cd´s. You also like books and we read every night. You love to be outside and just about every person that passes by comments on your fat fat fat legs. It´s great! And you just smile!!! They say around this age babies start experiencing separation anxiety. NOT YOU! I think I could pass you off to anyone and you would be happy as a lark!

When you wake up in your crib you just lay there and play with your dolly and wait for me to come get you. I don´t have to go very far considering you are still in our room. Soon you will venture to your big girl crib, but for now I like having you close by.

You are quite the drama queen and like to fake cry and cough quite often. We are on to you lady!

You are so happy and so good we are just waiting for you to turn ¨bad¨ let´s hope we wait a lifetime.
Happy 7 months monkey. We love u SOOOO much!


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