Monday, September 13, 2010

airplane baby

have u heard the story of the lady who gave birth on a plane? so many questions run through my head...


ok first of all i have been in a lot of airplanes and i just can´t fathom giving birth to a child without anyone noticing. apparently this chic gave birth in the bathroom. have you ever been in an airplane bathroom? do u know how small those things are? i don´t even know how she was able to spread her legs. did she prop one leg up on the sink? did she squat? again, i don´t even think there is room to squat!

second of all, i´m pretty sure she didn´t have any sort of how she was quiet is beyond me. seriously. how? i wasn´t even quiet and i had an epidural.

apparently this terrible horrible person tried to flush her baby down the toilet. after giving birth. in an airplane. in the bathroom. flush it down the toilet. double you tee eff????????????????????????????????? this is obv. just the work of a nut job because no normal human being in their right mind is capable of doing such a horrifying thing.

apparently they didn´t know who the mother was until sometime later. they should have just done a vagina check at the door. some chic had to have had a torn, bloody vag.

i mean seriously, did she have a shi$ load of pads in her purse because afterwards is a BLOODY BLOODY mess. did she just go back to her seat gushing out blood? wasn´t someone waiting in line to go to the bathroom cuz there is always a line. what if it had been you who walked in after her and noticed a live BABY in the toilet??????? so many questions!

when they did find out it was her she was denying it. again.......vagina check. that´s it. end of story.

poor poor baby. if he survives he´s gonna have one heck of a birth story...¨where were you born?¨ ¨In an airplane bathroom.......¨


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