Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Sometimes I surprise myself when I choose to cry. I didn't shed a tear during childbirth *Until she was born........and recently I've been elbowed in the boob twice (thanks to my lovely husband) and I cried both times....a lot. Maybe it's because it felt like a knife was going through my rock hard gigantic boob full of milk. Maybe?

I also cried yesterday when we saw a tiny black kitten on the side of the highway. How the heck did it get there?
There was basically nowhere for it to go but straight to its death. Sadness.

I cried when Nora got her two mth shots and I wasn't even in the room. And the list goes on and on.

Weirdness! I blame it on the hormones.


Blogger Stacey Gibson said...

it IS the hormones. And they ARE weird. And no one understands until they are a mom.

2:38 PM  

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