Saturday, September 01, 2007

Sum up 1

Wow, what an amazing summer it´s been. I had a great time at the gazillion weddings that I went to and esp. mine..ha! We had fun in Puerto Rico and it was so fun to see so many different parts of the island. We went to the zoo, rainforest, caves, snorkeling, you name it, we did it! Nothing too weird happened on that trip...which is good. The hurricane just missed the island...whew.

We had a few days to kill in IN and Chicago so you know that was fun. Especially in Chicago when we were on Mich Ave walking through a very crowded plaza and something very embarrassing fell out of my purse in front of everyone. Good times.

A´s family just told us this story--
Antonio´s family went into a shop and his dad was holding some shirts under his armpit. There was a huge bodyguard and his dad just walked out...and forgot about the shirts. So, he´s out there and then his bro comes out and sees the shirts! So, then they were like WHAT DO WE DO? And A´s brother told him to just run. So he ran...Hilarity. Spaniards run free in Chi town.

We are now back in Seville and enjoying having our own place. Our kitchen and bathroom are not finished yet but they will be before 2009.......or in a few weeks. ..or mths, or years. Who knows? It´s Spain. Moving is about as much fun as going to the dentist to get a root canal. I would actually choose that over moving. My favorite part of moving is when I fell down the stairs this morning carrying a box and broke my freaking tail bone. What a good way to meet all of the neighbors. They come out when they hear a boom and a grown woman crying like a two day old baby. Gotta loveit!!!!!!!!!!!!


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