Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Bug Off!

Have you ever gotten into a fight with a bug? I have on several occassions and last night was one of those 0ccassions. I usually get in fights with spiders or mosquitos...and or flies. It´s weird because when I see bugs in my home I get so ridiculously angry. I know, it´s weird.

I was sitting on the toilet in my bathroom and I heard this zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound. It was a mosquito!!!! Instantly the rage started to boil within. HOW DARE YOU enter into my home, buzz around here, bite my flesh, suck my blood and make me insanely miserable for days while I itch the poison that you have left inside. Oh no siree, not tonight Mr. (as the eyes were bulging out of my head).

So, round 1 was me trying to squish it with a kleenex. DANG it flew to the ceiling. Too high. Round 2 was me throwing a kleenex ball at it so it would fly back down. Round 3 was it flying around, me hearing that horrible zzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound and having no idea where it went. Round 4 was me almost giving up and then spotting the S.O.....isn´t it a lovely day? So, I found him and just looked at it for a sec. Then I whipped the hand towel at him so hard I probably almost broke the wood door. There he was......dead, just the way i like it.


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