Thursday, April 19, 2012

26 months.

My Dear Sweet Nora.

You are 26 months old! You are going potty every once and awhile on the toilet. Hey, I´ll take it! You can count to 10, know the colors of the rainbow, four shapes, and a few letters of the Alphabet. AKA GENIUS...just kidding. Isn´t it annoying when parents say that?

You love when we sit down at night and read our books together..I must admit that it´s one of my favorite times of the day as well. You then want me to sing the Alphabet song while pointing to all of the letters on your wall and then sing you ¨Jesus Loves Me¨ and THEN cover you up with your two blankets and THEN cover up half of your face with your doll. Gosh you are so demanding.

Daddy usually has breakfast duty while I snooze a few extra minutes. I swear the first thing you say in the morning is ¨Peppa Pig¨ before ¨good morning¨ or anything else for that matter. I think Peppa is your soul mate.

You are also obsessed with the park and must go at least three times a day. Everything is ¨Mine¨ and ¨No¨ these days.

You still like to eat... a lot and are pretty good with a spoon. You sleep eleven hours at night and two during the day.

This month we took you to the arcade and you were tall enough to play with all of the bouncy balls. Sad day for mama as you weren´t tall enough like yesterday. How are you so big? Needless to say you loved it. I thought you were going to get some gross disease..I heard those balls are covered in pooh. Sometimes mothers just gotta let go I guess. You´re still here.

You are seriously so polite. ¨Thank you mommy¨ ¨Thank you Daddy¨ It´s hilarious. I will like drop something on the ground and you will be all, ¨Thank you mommy.¨ um. ok. You also say ¨bless you¨ if I burp..and sometimes at the appropriate time but mostly not. It´s adorable.

You are so sweet and loving and then you have temper tantrums and I wonder where my sweet cute daughter is?! Thank goodness those usually don´t last long.

I love walking down the street with you and holding your sweet little chubby hand. I love how it fits into mine.

You still love to color and paint and play play play.

I love you so much and am so happy to be your mother.
Love you boo bear!


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